Course Introduction

Personality to be developed
 In promoting a digital society, it is extremely important to transform operations and realise new businesses by utilising data. To this end, there is an urgent need to train data scientists who are responsible for the design, implementation and operation of mechanisms for collecting and analysing data. This course aims to develop human resources with specialised knowledge in the fields of mathematics, data science and artificial intelligence, who can work in a wide range of fields in society such as science, engineering and business as data scientists who gain knowledge from a variety of data and solve problems.

Features of this course
 The curriculum of the Data Science course is characterised by the systematic acquisition of knowledge and skills that support the foundations of the DX era as a data scientist, through practical learning with lectures, exercises and experiments in the same classrooms/laboratories as students in the information field.

For enrolled students
 Details of the course are introduced in the course group’s common specialisation ‘Introduction to Data Science’ in the second semester of the first year.

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